Log in to Viedoc
The website you are viewing is our commercial website.
The website you are viewing is our commercial website.
If you have an account and want to get to work on our platform, then please select one of the links below (the production instance is likely the correct one).
Note that even if you are physically located in a specific region, the login page for that region may not be the correct one. Even studies that are run globally are likely hosted on a single server. Thus, you may be in Australia but logging in using the EU servers on the other side of the planet. You may be logging in from the United States, but also using the EU servers because of data privacy concerns.
If the links below do not help, we direct you to your contact person for the company managing the study or registry. Viedoc Technologies, as a platform provider, has no insight into the user accounts or design specifics of studies managed by our customers.
If you have questions about your Viedoc account, study, or registry or require additional access, we again advise you to contact the designated contact person at the company managing that study or registry to get more information and support.
You may have been granted access to our application, Viedoc Me, by a clinic that is using our software. This clinic is likely the Data Controller for your account (thus, they can reset your password if you’re locked out, and they are responsible for your personal data).
If you have questions about how to log in to Viedoc Me, or general questions about your data, we advise you to contact the designated person for that study or registry to get more information.
Viedoc Technologies, as a platform provider, has no insight into the accounts and data issued or collected by our customers. We have partitioned data (as all valuable scientific research data) as securely and anonymously as possible. For details, please contact the study staff.
Data capturing has been made easy because of Viedoc, it is incredibly robust and easy to navigate. As a data manager, I am using Viedoc everyday for work and it has made my life so easy when it comes to exporting and reviewing data. They have so many features and if there is every an issue, Viedoc support is always on hand.
October 19, 2023